JPA: Japanese Philosophy Abroad
FJP: Frontiers of Japanese Philosophy
Andrei, Laurentiu
“Le retour sur soi: Stoïcisme et bouddhisme zen” [FJP 3]
“Self and Other: A Parallel between Dōgen and Nishida” [FJP 7]
Arisaka Yoko 有坂陽子
“The Contribution of Overseas Japanese” [JPA]
“Prinos prekomorskih Japanaca” [FJP 5]
Bárcenas, Alejandro
“Modern Japanese Aesthetics and the Neo-Kantians” [FJP 6]
Becker, Carl
“Aging Dying and Bereavement in Contemporary Japan” [FJP 4]
Bernier, Bernard
“Transcendence of the State in Watsuji’s Ethics” [FJP 2]
Bouso, Raquel
“La filosofía japonesa en España” [JPA]
“Thinking through Translation: Nishitani and Ueda on Words, Concepts, and Images” [FJP 9]
Bouso, Raquel & James W. Heisig
Editors’ Introduction” [FJP 6]
Boutry-Stadelmann, Britta
“Yuasa Yasuo’s Theory of the Body” [FJP 1]
“Que veut dire philosophie ‘japonaise’?” [FJP 3]
“Karatani Kōjin’s World Republic: Possibilities and Perspectives” [FJP 6]
Céspedes, Gustavo Pita
“Yamaoka Tesshū en la historia del pensamiento japonés” [FJP 8]
Cestari, Matteo
“Gli studi di religioni e filosofie giapponesi in Italia” [JPA]
“From Seeing to Acting: “Rethinking Nishida Kitarō’s Practical Philosophy” [FJP 6]
“Between Emptiness and Absolute Nothingness: Reflections on Negation in Nishida and Buddhism” [FJP 7]
Chen Wei-fen 陳瑋芬
Cheung Ching-yuen 張政遠
“Japanese Philosophy in Chinese-Speaking Regions” [JPA]
“The Potential and Limits of Nishida Kitarō’s Philosophy” [FJP 4]
“Japanska filozofija u kineskom govornom svijetu” [FJP 5]
Couteau, Pauline
“Watsuji Tetsurō’s Ethics of Milieu” [FJP 1]
Curley, Melissa Anne-Marie
“The Subject of History in Miki Kiyoshi’s ‘Shinran’” [FJP 2]
Dalissier, Michel
“The Idea of the Mirror in Nishida and Dōgen: Self-Mirroring and Self-Awareness” [FJP 1]
“Nishida Kitarō and Chinese Philosophy” [FJP 4]
Davis, Bret W.
“Provocative Ambivalences in Japanese Philosophy of Religion: With a Focus on Nishida and Zen” [JPA]
“Toward a World of Worlds: Nishida The Kyoto School and the Place of Cross-Cultural Dialogue” [FJP 1]
“Provokativna podvojenost u japanskoj filozofiji religije: s fokusom na Nishidi i zenu” [FJP 5]
Dilworth, David A.
Döll, Steffen
“No Heart No Illusions: Some Remarks on Mushin” [FJP 7]
Elberfeld, Rolf
“Japanische Philosophie in deutscher Sprache” [JPA]
“Japanska filozofija na njemačkom jeziku” [FJP 5]
Falero, Alfonso
“Origuchi Shinobu’s Marebitoron in Global Perspective: A Preliminary Study” [FJP 7]
Fernandes, Amanda
“A experiência religiosa e a superação da modernidade em Nishitani Keiji” [FJP 8]
Fongaro, Enrico
“Trans/Formations: Tentative Remarks on the Practice of Kata as Bodily Experience of Time” [FJP 9]
Ghilardi, Marcello
“Between Aesthetics and Ethics: The Experience of Seeing in Nicholas Cusanus and Nishida Kitarō” [FJP 3]
“Al di qua del soggetto: Il luogo del Sé tra Nishida e lo Zen” [FJP 8]
Giacomelli, Alberto
“Übergänge und Übersetzungen: Kire-tsuzuki als ‘Schnitt Continuum’ zwischen Kunst und Natur” [FJP 10]
Girard, Frédéric
“État des études sur la pensée japonaise en France” [JPA]
“Le Lieu chez Nishida Kitarō et l’espace bouddhique” [FJP 3]
Graupe, Silja
“Nishida and the Dynamic Nature of Knowledge: Why Economists Should Take Nishida Seriously” [FJP 3]
Greco, Francesca & Leon Krings
“Logik der Grenze: Räume des Übergehens im Anschluss an Nishida Kitarō” [FJP 10]
Grosz, Elizabeth
“The Other Within: The Relational Self in Nishida’s Corpus” [FJP 8]
Gurjanov, Filip
“Zu einer Ort-Logik des Fotografierens: Perspektiven mit Nishida Kitarō” [FJP 10]
Heisig, James W.
“Redefining Defining Philosophy: An Apology for a Sourcebook in Japanese Philosophy” [JPA]
Foreword [FJP 1]
Predgovor [FJP 5]
“Redefiniranje definiranja filozofije: apologija priručnika iz japanske filozofije” [FJP 5]
“Nishitani Keiji and the Overcoming of Modernity (1940–1945)” [FJP 6]
“Nishida’s Deodorized Basho and the Scent of Zeami’s Flower” [FJP 7]
“East Asian Philosophy and the Case against Perfect Translations” [FJP 9]
Heisig, James W. & Uehara Mayuko
Editors’ Introduction [FJP 3]
Heisig, James W. & Rein Raud
Editors’ Introduction [FJP 7]
Hirota, Dennis
“Shinran in the Light of Heidegger: Rethinking the Concept of Shinjin” [FJP 7]
Hori, Victor Sōgen
Introduction [FJP 2]
Hosoya Masashi 細谷昌志
“Sensation and Image in Nishitani’s Philosophy” [FJP 2]
Huang Wen-hong 黃文宏
“The Shift in Nishida’s Logic of Place” [FJP 4]
Huang Ya-Hsien 黄雅嫺
“Traduire la modernité: Traduction de la philosophie française à Taïwan dans les années )” [FJP 9]
Huh Woo-sung 許祐盛
“Thinking and Perceiving: Nishida and Park as Embodied Subjects?” [FJP 4]
Imono Mika 鋳物美佳
Isaac, Sylvain
Jacinto Z., Agustín
“Aristotle and the Epistemology of Nishida Kitarō (1924–1928)” [FJP 6]
Johnson, David W.
“Fūdo as the Disclosure of Nature: Rereading Watsuji with Heidegger” [FJP 8]
Kasulis, Thomas P.
“Japanese Philosophy in the English-Speaking World” [JPA]
“Japanska filozofija na engleskom govornom području” [FJP 5]
“Helping Western Readers Understand Japanese” [FJP 6]
“The Ground of Translation: Issues in Translating Premodern Japanese Philosophy” [FJP 7]
Katsumori Makoto 勝守 真
“Hiromatsu on Marx’s Theory of the Commodity” [FJP 8]
Kaufmann, Paulus
“Depictions of the State of Nature in Early Modern Japan” [FJP 8]
Kazashi Nobuo 嘉指信雄
“The Passion for Philosophy in a Post-Hiroshima Age: Rethinking Nishida’s Philosophy of History” [FJP 6]
“Chōmin Translator of Rousseau’s Du contrat social: The Self-Contradiction of the Nation-State” [FJP 9]
Keta Masako 氣多雅子
“Emptiness and Fundamental Imagination: Nishitani Keiji’s ‘Emptiness and Immediacy’” [FJP 3]
Kim Tae-ho 金泰昊,
“Experience and Identity: Umaretsuki in the Writings of Motoori Norinaga” [FJP 4]
Kimoto Mari 木元麻里
“Les Japonais sont-ils humains?: Considérations sur la traduction et la transcendance chez Lévinas” [FJP 9]
Kirloskar-Steinbach, Monika
“Why Bother? Relational Knowing and the Study of World Philosophies” [FJP 10]
Kitagawa Sakiko 北川東子
“Living as a Woman and Thinking as a Mother in Japan: A Feminine Line of Japanese Moral Philosophy” [FJP 6]
Knauth, Lothar
“¿Filosofía japonesa en la América Hispánica?” [JPA]
Kōno Tetsuya 河野哲也
「和辻哲郎とケア倫理学:両者は協働できるだろうか」[FJP 8]
Kopf, Gereon
“Die Zukunft der japanischen Philosophie in Deutschland” [JPA]
“Between the Global and the Local: Applying the Logic of the One and the Many to a Global Age” [FJP 4]
“Nationalism Globalism and Cosmopolitanism: An Application of Kyoto School Philosophy” [FJP 6]
“Neither Good Nor Evil: A Non-Dualistic Ethics for Today” [FJP 7]
Kotajima Yōsuke 古田島洋介
Krings, Leon, Francesca Greco & Yukiko Kuwayama
Editors’ Introduction [FJP 9]
Kuwayama Yukiko 桑⼭裕喜⼦
“Erfahrungen als Übergänge: Ueda Shizuterus Konzeption des ‘Urworts'” [FJP 10]
Lam Wing Keung 林永強
“Redefining Philosophy through Assimilation: “Nishida Kitarō and Mou Zong-san” [FJP 1]
“Subjectivity Rinrigaku and Moral Metaphysics: Watsuji Tetsurō and Mou Zongsan” [FJP 2]
“Assimilation and Dissimilation in Japanese and Chinese Philosophy” [FJP 4]
Lam Wing-keung & and Cheung Ching-yuen
Editors’ Introduction [FJP 4]
Liederbach, Hans Peter
“Watsuji’s Reading of Hegel: Modernity as a Philosophical Problem in Watsuji’s Rinrigaku” [FJP 8]
Maraldo, John C.
“Defining Philosophy in the Making” [JPA]
“Dedekind Royce and Nishida” [FJP 1]
“The Contingencies of Kuki Shūzō” [FJP 2]
“An Alternative Notion of Practice in the Promise of Japanese Philosophy” [FJP 4]
“Definiranje filozofije u nastajanju” [FJP 5]
“The Alternative Normativity of Zen” [FJP 6]
“Negotiating the Divide of Death in Japanese Buddhism: Dōgen’s Difference” [FJP 7]
Marinucci, Lorenzo
“Images of the Wind: A Japanese Phenomenology of Imagination as Air” [FJP 10]
Marra, Michael F.
“A Dialogue on Language between a Japanese and an Inquirer: Kuki Shūzō’s Version” [FJP 2]
Matsudo Yukio 松戸行雄
“Philosophische Rezeption des japanischen Buddhismus in Deutschland” [JPA]
Mayeda, Graham
McCarthy, Erin
“Towards a Transnational Ethics of Care” [FJP 2]
Milčinski, Maja
“The Idea of Life-Death: Glimpses from Daoism and Japanese Tradition” [FJP 6]
Miyano Makiko 宮野真生子
“The Individual in Kuki’s Philosophy” [FJP 1]
Morisato Takeshi
Overture [FJP 8]
Müller, Ralf
“Getting Back to Premodern Japan: Tanabe’s Reading of Dōgen” [FJP 1]
“Watsuji’s Reading of Dōgen’s Shōbōgenzō” [FJP 6]
Nakajima Takahiro 中島隆博
“The Restoration of Confucianism in China and Japan: A New Source of Morality and Religion” [FJP 4]
Noe Keiichi 野家啓一
“Nishida Kitarō as Philosopher of Science” [FJP 4]
Obert, Mathias
“La traduction est une réponse mimétique” [FJP 9]
Odagiri Takushi 小田桐拓志
“From Self-Reflexivity to Contingency: Nishida Kitarō on Self-Knowledge” [FJP 3]
Ōhashi Ryōsuke 大橋良介
Okada Yūsuke 岡田勇督
“From Expression to Symbol: The Philosophy of Hatano Seiichi in Political Context” [FJP 10]
Okada Yūta 岡田悠汰
「翻訳への途上 : ハイデガー『Sein und Zeit』の翻訳について」[FJP 10]
Ono Makoto 小野真
“Nishitani Keiji’s Theory of Imagination: The Theory of Imagination in ‘Emptiness and Immediacy’” [FJP 2]
“Nishitani Keiji-jeva teorija imaginacije: Teorija imaginacije u ‘praznini i neposrednosti’” [FJP 5]
Ott, Margus & Alari Allik
“Practicing Time: Time and Practice in Deleuze and Dōgen” [FJP 7]
Parkes, Graham
“Heidegger and Japanese Fascism: An Unsubstantiated Connection” [FJP 6]
“Body-Mind and Buddha Nature: Dōgen’s Deeper Ecology” [FJP 7]
Paşca, Roman
“Homo Naturalis: Andō Shōeki’s Understanding of the Human Being” [FJP 8]
Perler, Dominik
Preface [FJP 1]
Raud, Rein
“Classical Japanese as a Vehicle of Philosophical Thought” [FJP 8]
Rigsby, Curtis A.
“The Reversibility vs. Irreversibility Debate: The Legacy of Takizawa Katsumi” [FJP 3]
Saitō Takako 斎藤多香子
“The Meaning of Heaven according to Nishi Amane” [FJP 1]
“The Human and the Absolute in the Writings of Kuki Shūzō” [FJP 3]
“Čovjek i Apsolut u djelima Kuki Shūzō-a” [FJP 5]
“In Search of the Absolute: Kuki Shūzō and Shinran” [FJP 7]
“Kuki Shuzō’s Thought and the World” [FJP 8]
Schneider, Tamara
“Transitions after Destruction: The Artistic Response to the Triple Catastrophe in Japan” [FJP 10]
Shimizu Takashi 清水高志
“Quasi-Predicate Theory: A New Interpretation of Nishida” [FJP 3]
Söderman, Laeticia
“Writing as Participation: Textual Streams and Argumentative Patterns in Shinran’s Kyōgyōshinshō” [FJP 7]
Stevens, Bernard
“L’étude de la philosophie japonaise contemporaine en francophonie” [JPA]
“Husserl Nishida et la ‘crise’: Hier et aujourd’hui” [FJP 3]
“The Transcendental Path: Abhidharma Sources of Nishida’s Logic of Place” [FJP 6]
“Arendt and Maruyama: Complementary Approaches to Totalitarianism” [FJP 8]
Sugawara Jun 菅原潤
“Kōyama Iwao’s Philosophy of World History: Discussions with Suzuki Shigetaka” [FJP 4]
Taguchi Shigeru 田口茂
Takehana Yōsuke 竹花洋佑
“Absolute Nothingness and Metanoetics: The Logic of Conversion in Tanabe Hajime” [FJP 1]
Takó, Ferenc
“Maruyama Masao on (Failures of ) Transition in Japanese History” [FJP 10]
Tani Tōru 谷徹
「身体、媒体、あいだ」[FJP 10]
Tosolini, Tiziano
“Il futuro della filosofia giapponese in Italia” [JPA]
Tremblay, Jacynthe
“Nishida Kitarō: Approches actuelles et recherche future” [JPA]
“Hidden Aspects of Temporality from Nishida to Watsuji” [FJP 2]
“The Potential of Nishida’s “Encompassing” Language” [FJP 4]
“Nishida Kitarō’s Language and Structure of Thought in the ‘Logic of Basho’“ [FJP 6]
Tu Xiaofei
“The Comparative Philosophies of Mou Zongsan and Nishitani Keiji” [FJP 2]
Uehara Mayuko 上原麻有子
“The Conceptualization and Translation of Jikaku and Jiko in Nishida” [FJP 1]
“La tâche du traducteur en philosophie dans le Japon moderne” [FJP 3]
“Japanese Aspects of Nishida’s Basho: Seeing the ‘Form without Form’” [FJP 4]
“Zadaća prevoditelja kroz filozofiju u modernom Japanu” [FJP 5]
“Naming and Contingency in Kuki Shūzō: From Philosophy to Literary Theory” [FJP 6]
“The Philosophy of Translation: From Nishida Kitarō to Ogyū Sorai” [FJP 7]
Preface [FJP 9]
「高橋、西田、ボーヴォワール、レヴィナスにおける性差ある他者性を問う」[FJP 10]
Vianello, Giancarlo
“The Silence of the Absolute: Apophatism in Ueda Shizuteru and Raimon Panikkar” [FJP 3]
“Nihilism and Emptiness: The Collapse of Representations and the Question of Nothingness” [FJP 6]
Yusa Michiko 遊佐道子,
“Women Rocking the Boat A Philosophy of the Sexed Body and Self-Identity” [FJP 6]
Zimmermann, Maren
“Nishida’s ‘Self-Identity of Absolute Contradiction’ and Hegel: Absolute Negation and Dialectics” [FJP 1]