Chisokudo Publications

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4. Facing the Twenty-First Century

 Series: Frontiers of Japanese Philosophy  Author: Wing-keung Lam & Ching-yuen Cheung, eds.  Published: 2023  ISBN: 979-8376434314  Pages: 312  Language: English More Details  View sample
Wing-keung Lam & Ching-yuen Cheung, eds.

Facing the Twenty-First Century


The seventeen essays that make up this book formed the basis of a conference on “Envisioning the Potential of Japanese and Chinese Philosophy in the Twenty-First Century” held in Hong Kong in December of 2008. Although Japanese philosophy now enjoys a wide international platform, the focus has been primarily on its encounter with the philosophies of the “West.” Aside from a handful of Chinese and Korean translations and monographs, very little on the subject is to be found in the “East.” In Hong Kong, a city that lies on the edge of the philosophical divide, courses in Western, Chinese, and Indian philosophies are now available in departments of philosophy—but not courses in Japanese philosophy. As we find ourselves facing the twenty-first century, with a concern for plurality and symbiosis emerging on all sides, philosophy cannot afford to lag behind. This volume aims to take a modest step towards addressing the imbalance and stimulating others to carry on with broadening the base of philosophical encounters. (Originally published, 2009)

Available from Amazon US, UK, JP, &c. Also available in e-book format for Apple and Kindle.

Individual essays may be downloaded here.