Chisokudo Publications

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6. Confluences and Cross-Currents

 Series: Frontiers of Japanese Philosophy  Author: Raquel Bouso & James W. Heisig, ed.  Published: 2023  ISBN: 979-8376446874  Pages: 392  Language: English More Details  View sample
Raquel Bouso & James W. Heisig, ed.

Confluences and Cross-Currents

The list of publications having to do with Japanese intellectual history in general and Kyoto School philosophy in particular has grown steadily over the past years, both inside and outside of Japan. This is due in no small part to the important contributions made by those whose papers are included in this volume, the proceedings of an international conference held in June 2009 at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. Although much remains to be done if Japanese philosophy is to shed its esoteric and exotic image in order to take its rightful place in the curriculum as one of the many valuable sources of philosophical reflection, the ongoing dialogue among veterans in the field and younger scholars reflected in these pages is as promising as it has ever been. (Originally published, 2009)

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Individual essays may be downloaded here.