Chisokudo Publications

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Japanese Philosophy in the Making 3

 Series: Studies in Japanese Philosophy  Author: John C. Maraldo  Published: 2023  ISBN: 979-8370916489  Pages: 468  Language: English More Details  View sample
John C. Maraldo

Japanese Philosophy in the Making 3

Alternatives with Tracks through Zen

The third volume of Japanese Philosophy in the Making exposes dualities and binaries that have defined and confined Western philosophy for centuries. Fifteen essays uncover restrictive assumptions we commonly make when thinking about life and death, body and mind, ourselves in difference from others, or religion and ethics. Drawing upon provocative sources in Zen Buddhist and other Asian traditions, this book then presents these topics from the alternative perspectives of embodied understanding, practice for its own sake, relational being, and death as the occasion that makes time present. It continues the translation of texts that seeks to make their intercultural significance evident, but it also points to the silence that generates thoughtful language. The book closes with a detailed depiction of three Japanese pathway arts and the alternative kind of creation they embody.

Available from Amazon US, UK, JP, &c. Also available in e-book format for Apple and Kindle.