Chisokudo Publications

About Chisokudō Publications

With the founding of the European Network of Japanese Philosophy in 2015 and the inaugural issue of its official journal, the European Journal of Japanese Philosophy the following year, the decision was taken to establish an outlet for scholars to publish their work in a timely manner at prices the authors themselves could afford.

Advances in publishing technology have made the process of typesetting and printing simpler, less expensive, and more efficient for publishers. Meantime, the cost of printed books has become prohibitive for many of those working in more specialized academic fields and made their distribution to a wider public increasingly difficult. Chisokudō Publications was begun in an attempt to correct the imbalance without compromising the quality of production or editorial standards.

The name of the publishing house was chosen to reflect that ideal. It is based on the principle of sufficiency as captured in words inscribed on a small teahouse spring in Kyoto’s Ryōan-ji Temple: 吾唯足知 All I need to know is how much is enough.

During its first seven years, CP has published over 70 volumes in English, French, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, and German, all of which have also been made available in ebook format. The subject matter ranges from Japanese and comparative philosophy to literature and the arts. The principal Collections are:

The editors welcome new submissions. Click here for details on the peer review process and ethical guidelines.